Mistakes To Avoid During A Dental Emergency

 In Dental 359 Blog

We have all had a dental emergency or known someone who has. Maybe you were playing football and had the ball knock your tooth out. Maybe you fell and chipped a tooth or woke in the middle of the night with a raging toothache. You may have had swollen gums or cracked a filling and just not known what to do.

What most of us don’t know, is what to do about a dental emergency. Knowing what to do in a dental emergency can mean the difference between saving or losing a tooth.

Failure to react to an emergency dental issue increases the risks for permanent damage to your teeth, bacterial infection of your gums, and the necessity for extensive and expensive future treatments. Phoning the wrong medical expert and taking unusual medications is unnecessary and a waste of precious time. Getting it wrong costs you! Don’t reduce the chances of a successful outcome.


What are the biggest mistakes people make during a dental emergency you ask?

Not Calling a Dental Professional.
We have heard of people who call and ask their doctor for advice, for a referral or for a script for antibiotics in the case of pain. You must, repeat, MUST call an emergency dentist in Perth for advice and treatment.

Not Calling Immediately
The incident may happen on a Friday night after hours but some people wait until Monday morning to call and get help. Emergency dental care must be sought immediately. Often, more damage (sometimes irreversible) can be caused by waiting.

Asking Google
Now, in some cases Google will provide useful information but at times the information is anything but helpful. For instance, it is not recommended you use any kind of glue to re-attach your tooth. Only professional, qualified dentists should be providing emergency dental services in your hour of need.

Going To Hospital Emergency Department

Hospitals have enough to deal with on the everyday basis, hence a dental emergency should be seen by a dentist not a hospital doctor! Emergency staff will simply tell you to attend your local dentist, therefore you’ve wasted precious time!


How to correctly deal with an emergency!

Our webpage Dental Emergencies has extensive advice on what to do in an emergency of which you can follow prior to your scheduled emergency appointment. Different kinds of dental emergencies including toothaches, wisdom teeth pain, lost filling/crown, broken dentures, implant issues, cracked fillings, swollen gums or chipped teeth.

For prompt emergency treatment follow these steps…

Take Action

Phone your dentist. This allows us to provide advice over the phone for home remedies to help you treat your symptoms while we arrange your emergency appointment.

Following our advice is important. Some examples are listed below.

  • Knocked-out permanent or adult tooth
    Keep it moist at all times. If you can, place the tooth back in the socket without touching the root. If that’s not possible, place it in between your cheek and gums or place the tooth in milk.
  • For a chipped or cracked tooth

Immediately rinse the mouth with warm salty water to clean the area. Put cold compresses on the face to keep any swelling down.

Schedule an Emergency Appointment

Whilst on the phone organise to be seen as soon as possible. Be flexible with the time you can see the dentist as your emergency dental needs should take priority over daily tasks.
We will arrange to see you as a matter of urgency.

Attend your appointment

Come to your appointment with any remnants of cracked tooth etc. that can help your dentist assess and treat the issue.  As you have followed the correct procedures, the chances of extensive and permanent damage are unlikely. Do take care in the following days to allow for healing and adjustment. Our clinic will call patients after their treatment to ensure all is well. Keep in contact with your dentist about the recovery and healing process after your emergency is dealt with. We will do everything we can to maximise your chance of a full and successful recovery. Our main priority is getting you out of discomfort and resolving your issue!


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